I was sitting, looking at my tank a bit after the aquarium lights had turned off, thinking to myself about a particular rock looked an awful lot like a tiny fish. Then, to my suprise it moved and I realized that it WAS! A little black fry (that looks exactly like Nyx) was swimming around by the plants! Do you know what this means??!! Nyx has been pregnant the whole time I've had her! All the signs were there- a big belly, (I thought that was normal for platys..) she had been surface resting, (I thought she might have ben ill) and a little white dot under her stomach! I feel stupid for not figuring it out before! I put her in a breeder tank in case she has more overnight. As for the rest, I'm hoping the plants will be sufficient to protect them (other fish are known to eat fry). I'll take another look in the morning to try and get a better knowledge of the situation. Let this be yet another example of how you should learn about the fish before you buy 'em! There could be 20+ fry that may not survive due to my lack of experience and ignorance on the subject! :z
Speaking of worryful things, I noticed that one of the Pachi has a big white splotch on his body. I'm crossing my fingers that it's not Neon Tetra Disease- a contagious (even to other species) and deadly disease that has no cure! :O
(The fry were too quick and tiny to take a picture of, but I promise they're there! I'm not insane! My mom and brother saw them, too!)