I didn't know what to post, so I decided to give you an inventory of all the fish stuff I own.
x1 10 gallon fish tank
x1 tropical fish flake food
x1 shrimp pellets
x1 algae wafers
x2 nets
x1 floating breeder/ aggressive or sick fish tank
x1 Heater
x1 thermometer
x1 Pantheon decor
x2 ancient Greek pillars
x1 live plant
x1 artificial coral
x2 artificial plants
- multiple colored gravel/ pebbles
x1 filter
x1 bubble curtain
x1 algae cleaning magnet
x1 package of live plant seeds
x1 ick treatment
x1 lifeguard medicine
x2 sponge/ scrubber
x1 gravel vacuum (hose and bucket)
x1 tank conditioner
- (fish)
Now, because that was a little boring, I'll give you my fish recommendations. A algae- eating fish is a really good thing to keep your tank clean. (Cory cat, pleco, lace catfish, Chinese algae eater....) I have three! Plecos and corys come in many pretty colors and designs!(like the zebra striped pleco in picture) Glofish help stop pollution:http://www.glofish.com/faq.asp, and the Guppy's fabulous design and color brighten up the tank!
Not much has happened recently... I attempted to feed Zeus broccoli, it stayed in the tank for two days... he might have eaten a little. I ended up just taking it out with the net because it was starting to get soggy and stink. Caligula must have either found a new hiding spot, or Zeus really did eat him. I hope not. But I did see him sticking his hiding in the Coral... oh no! And no, he is not under the thermometer or the coral (I lifted the whole coral out of the water.) So, yes. That's all for today, Folks!