Monday, April 2, 2012

Zeus has lost interest? UPDATE!

I recently noticed that Zeus hasn't been going in his temple, and it's bothering me. After staring at it for a long time, I realized that Caligula was inside the temple, feasting on all the algae! No fair! Hopefully they'll work it out. I think Zeus should get the temple, and Caligula can stay in the the coral. Speaking of Caligula, he's growing ever fatter. By the way, does anybody know how to measure your fish? The guppies and tetras are always moving and wiggling about, and the catfish are always hiding, or at an angle that I can't measure them length! Is there some weird trick to it? I've been thinking about upgrading to a 40-55 gallon tank, but that would be a huge hassle and I don't know if I could handle it. I would have to save up the money, but for now it's on my wishlist and I'm sticking with my 10 gallon. That's pretty much all that's going on in my fish world, I'm going to enter a picture of Zeus into a pleco photo contest. Send him good luck!

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