Monday, May 28, 2012

Pachus gone missing? & What to do with dear old Aphrodite

I recently noticed that Pachus one has not been accompanied by his dear friend, Pachus 2. I looked everywhere, filter and all and he is nowhere to be seen. I'm hoping I'll find him when I clean my tank again. Hopefully alive instead of dead. Eiosepa's fins started to improve, but within the last few days have they gotten even worse than at first! I just don't know what to do!! I suppose I could put a fish muzzle on her, so she can't bite those tempting long fins. But I can't sell Aphrodite! I can't. I like her, and there would be a hole in the tank without her! Well, Caligula has gotten huge! I might even have to sell him eventually too!!! Or (which is the solution that I like better) I could buy a bigger tank. In my dreams. Advice is welcome. I hope to keep you posted!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Well, quite a lot has happened since my last post. I moved, so my fish tank is in a new spot! The fish corner didn't exactly work out because of room space. I put Aphrodite in "solitary confinement" for nipping fins. Now there is a huge tear in Eiosepa's fin! I bought some medicine that will help all of the guppies' fins grow back, I'm still treating them. After about five or six days, I finally let Aphrodite out, and boy was she glad! I was getting worried about her because while she as separated, she stopped eating and was surface resting all the time. She was fine once I let her out...but if she nips again, she's going right back in! I bought new fish food, and saved $4 at Petco!! I also put pictures of each of my fish on a digital picture frame! Now it run through a slide show of all their names and a picture of them. So fun! Well, I'll try to keep you updated.