Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Decisions & Discoveries

I decided to put Aphrodite in the separator before I left on a short 3 day trip because she wouldn't stop nipping at the other fish- even Zeus! I got back and found the Zeus' badly nipped fin had regrown completely! So she's still in the separator and doing well. I'm hoping I can keep her in there until all the guppy's fins grow back too. The new guy is doing well, I still haven't decided on a name yet. I'm leaning towards Tiberious. I came up with more, now the top 4 are Tiberious, Hatchepsut, Socrates, and Nefertiti.  I also did some research about Pachus' disappearance. Appearantly this isn't uncommon. I've come to the conclusion that he died from bad water quality and Zeus ate his algae-covered corpse. It's reassuring to know that plecos only are known to eat corpses, not living fish. So the mystery of the missing Pachus is solved! More pictures of the new guy are above.

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