Wednesday, October 30, 2013

An early TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY present!!!

In honor of the two year anniversary of having my tank, I got three new fish!! I got Rameses, a CORY to represent remembering the original fish from 2011, a GUPPY (I can't decide between Demeter or Dionysus for a name..)
to represent all the new friends we've gained since then (Persephone was all alone and needed a friend..), and Nyx (I named her that because Nyx is the god of the night, and she is midnight black, hence the name!) a PLATY (or molly?), an all new fish to represent the new adventures in the future! Here are some non-official pictures (I may keep the cory one, it's very nice!):


Got new fish on 10/29/13 (for the record)


  1. Replies
    1. I had pretty much settled on Dionysus, but then I remembered that Dioynisus is the God of wine/grapes, so maybe wait for a more purpleyish fish? I don't know. Then I found the name Aranyani, which is the Hindu god of the forests and the creatures within them.... which fits her appearance more because she is green like the trees, she has some blue like rivers/streams, and then there is a design on her tail and head that looks like animal print to represent the creatures in the forests... It would also be cool to have another culture's mythology. But then again, I really like Dioynisus because it's such a pretty name. Demeter could work because Demeter is the Goddess of the seasons/plants/harvest and my new guppy has all the colors of the different seasons... ?? I dunno.

  2. Hmm I like the name that starts with the a! Then again I've been doing mythology in English and some names are Narcissus Hyacinth Echo Adonis... The first 3 are mythological Greek flowers!

  3. Jk the first second and fourth are
