Friday, July 26, 2013

Many Many Things!

Well, many many things have happened today alone. Prepare yourselves, because most of it is negative. First things first, dear Augustus has passed away.

Here's the story:
So, I was at a camp all week. My family was taking care of my fish. When I got back, everything seemed ok, but I noticed Augustus wasn't around. My mom told me that she'd seen him last night when she fed them. After looking all around the tank, I began to worry. I knew he wasn't alive. If you remember how I found Poseidon dead, this should sound familiar. I saw a small whisp of what looked like fish bones with rotting skin. Accepting this as his dead body, I buried it. Gravestone and all. As returned to my tank, I was shocked to find another, fuller corpse. This one was defiantly Augustus. Feeling foolish, I went back (with my dear cousin) and dug up the false corpse (which was probably just some algae) and replaced it with the true one.
The false corpse

The false corpse
Augustus was a wonderful fish. He was friendly and accepting to everyone. His tail shimmered with every color imaginable and couldn't have been more beautiful. He will be missed.

Just to add to the pile of bad news, Socrates isn't moving. I'm not saying he's dead, he's just not moving. I keep telling myself this is another false alarm, and he's just sleeping, but I don't know. He's sucked into his shell and looks pale. I'm trusting that what I read about water snails when they die (that they stink) is true...

I also let Aphrodite out of confinement. I guess it's up to you whether that's good or bad. She was sure happy about it, swimming all over the place! I'm glad to see her happy, but also worried about my guppies.
Aphrodite enjoying all the new space

To make things worse, I'm leaving on a trip TOMORROW until August 7th, which means I won't be able to monitor or take care of my tank! I'm so worried about what I'll find when I return.

As far as good news, I cleaned my tank! YAY! It was so dirty and gross!

Lastly, tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of Tutankhamen's death. As one of the original fish, he will always have a place in my heart. We remember him tomorrow as a great fish who loved many.

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