Saturday, May 4, 2013

More guppies! Oh where have all the Pachi gone?

I am proud to announce the arrival of two new citizens: Nero and Trajan! Yes, both of them are guppies..... Originally, I was just going to get more neon tetras, but then the fish-store-person warned me that I had to get five. FIVE.  Yes, I know they're schooling fish but FIVE?! I don't have enough room in my tank! The only way I could do that is by selling Zeus.... but that's weird to think about. He's the ruler of the Underwater Empire! Although it is a smart idea because he's getting so big! Maybe, maybe.... If I did sell him, I'd probably replace him with a pleco that stays small, and probably more exotic! Like a Zebra Pleco! I also cleaned my tank, (after avoiding it for weeks).

Don't forget to vote on the weekly poll!  LAST DAY! (Sidebar >>>>>>>>)

Clean tank!




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