Monday, May 6, 2013

The Pleco Problem

As mentioned in an earlier post, I've recently been contemplating whether I should sell Zeus or not.... He's getting WAY to big and it's not good for his health. If I did sell him, I would most likely buy a different type of pleco that would stay small. (anywhere from 2-6") I did some research, and discovered a Pitbull Pleco. They're TINY! They only grow to 2" and (contrary to what the name suggests) are very peaceful. I also found the bristlenose pleco, the albino bristlenose pleco, and the clown pleco. I also found the Queen Arabesque pleco, the blue panaque pleco, the sunshine pleco, the gold nugget pleco, and the starlight bristlenose pleco, and although they're stunningly beautiful, they are SUPER expensive! I guess if I REALLY wanted them, I could shell out the cash... Anyways, that's whats on my mind right now. Leave a comment below of what you think I should do and vote on the weekly poll. 

 Just to clarify, my top choice is the pitbull pleco.

Zeus (as of today)

This is how I found Zeus when I woke up this morning.....

Dang, he must be really muscular!

Pitbull pleco

Queen Arabesque pleco

Starlight bristlenose pleco

Clown pleco

Bristlenose pleco

Sunshine pleco

Albino Bristlenose pleco

Gold Nugget pleco


  1. Well, yes, my first choice would be the pitbull one, but they are all very beautiful.

  2. I agree, I will miss Zues, but my favorites would have to be the starlight bristlenose or the queen arabesque!

  3. That is sad about Zeus :( my faves are the pit bull and starlight!����

  4. Yeah, I still don't know how I'm going to pull it off... I'm attached to him because he's my only fish still living from my original tank. Man, he's ugly, but I still love him <3. As for the starlight and bristlenose, they're SO pretty, but SO expensive! The Queen Arabesque isn't even an algae cleaner, and I'll have to feed them blood worms (Ewwww!) Well, anyways, thanks everyone for the input/feedback! I'll keep you posted!

  5. Can't wait to find out about your solution and I agree bloodworms are disgusting. They are in our outside freezer, look gross, and the tank is kind of messy until the fish eat them all.
