Friday, June 21, 2013

Lazy Me

Hello everyone! Recently, I have been putting off posting to this blog and cleaning my fish tank, but today is my catching up day. I got back from vacation and all was well in the Underwater Empire. Aphrodite is still in confinement, and just recently started eating her food (Finally!). I took some more pictures and got some pretty cool ones (I'll put them in the next post.). Anyways, my tank is really REALLY dirty right now, so I'll probably go and clean it right after I finish this post.... which means I'll probably post again after I finish....

Thank you to everyone who voted on last week's weekly poll, here are the results:

Looks like you guys chose the Disney theme! Cool!

Be sure to vote on this week's weekly poll, which is: How much longer should Aphrodite be in confinement?
(If for some reason the poll isn't working and you don't see your answer in the results, just comment your answer below...)

Happy Summer!

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