Saturday, June 8, 2013

Nipping Nonsense - Aphrodite Up to Her Old Tricks

Well folks, Aphrodite is back into her old habits. Recently, she's been nipping the fins of Athena and Trajan. I put her in the seperater and she's already mad at me. How do I know? She won't eat her food. My plan is to keep her in there until the guppies' fins heal, but she may starve before then. If I let her out now, she'll probably keep nipping them, which will eventually cause my guppies' death (I know from experience...). Ahhhhh! What do I do?! Not only that, but I'm leaving on vacation next week, so I won't be able to moniter what's going on..... :-/

And thanks to those who voted on the weekly poll... keeps things interesting! I'm changing it tomorrow, so don't forget to vote next week?

  (oh yeah, sorry for the sucky picture..)

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