Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Just to bring you up to date....

So, I decided to take Poseidon out of the separator. He started to surface rest and looked sickly. I knew that if he died, I didn't want him to die a sad death, I wanted him to be able to swim free. So, I let him out and... VOILA! All the sudden, he's acting like nothing ever happened. Maybe it was the possum treatment, maybe he was jealous that his friends were hanging out without him, maybe he was just stressed... I don't know. So, yeah. I'll need to clean the tank soon. It's getting dirty. The algae wafers are starting to be fought over between Zeus, Caligula, and Xerxes. Speaking of Caligula, he's becoming more social, I see him alot more often, mostly at night. He's still a little shy, though. Well, there's your update!

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